How are Rock Bars Made?

Rock sweets are a popular, traditional sweet made in the uk, it is many peoples sweet of choice, especially when visiting the seaside, but how are rock bars made? This blog will look at the process the manufacturers go through to create Britain's favourite sweet.

The Manufacturing Process

When looking at how rock bars are made, there is a step by step process that manufacturers follow to get the best results possible. It starts off with the basic mixture, this is made really warm so that the food colouring can be added in easily. All the colours that are going to be used are put into their own mixtures and kept separate for now. Each mixture is put onto a pulling machine to make it the right texture, this is also when the flavour is mixed in. After this, the different colours are assembled, this could be the outer shell of colours that you first see when you get the bar, or it could be the picture or writing on the inside of the bar. The symbols are built from the mixtures on a larger scale and then put in a batch roller. This is a machine that rolls the sweet into the more recognisable, smaller tube shapes. Now that the sweets are the right shape and size, they are wrapped and ready to be distributed to local sweet lovers.

Custom Made Sweets

If you are wanting to get custom made sweets, how rock bars are made looks slightly different, especially if you are wanting them to advertise. Many companies get custom sweets uk to advertise their business by using their company colours and logo in the sweets. This would include the manufacturers creating the logo/symbols/writing that the company wants and putting it into their sweets. They can also choose the flavouring for the sweet so they can match it to their business as well, for example, a company that makes fridges and freezers may want a cool mint flavour. They also don’t have to have a whole bar of rock, they can also have bite sized pieces of rock which are easier to give out to potential customers. Companies use these sweets to advertise in lots of different ways such as handing them out at business events or conventions. This is beneficial to them as it makes their company more memorable and gives them a more positive reputation.


The manufacturing process doesn’t just end after the sweets have been made, they also need to be packaged properly. Manufacturers will often have a variety of different packaging options depending on what the customer wants. The most popular kind of wrapping is film, this is clear and easy to remove, making them perfect for sweets. There are other options that are more sturdy such as cardboard, tin boxes and jars. Many of the more disposable packaging options are actually biodegradable and recyclable, making them much better for the environment and having a smaller carbon footprint. This is also beneficial for companies wanting to advertise as it sends an ethical message to potential customers. Sweets need to be wrapped and shouldn’t be given out loose as it can damage the sweet. Wrapping also helps to preserve the quality of the sweet for longer and helps to make them more hygienic as less germs have gotten on them, making them more safe to eat.

By looking at how rock bars are made, you can gain a deeper understanding of not only how sweets end up in shops, but also the many ways that they can be utilised for businesses. You can also gain an understanding of the work that goes into the production, creating great quality products.


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